PayPal change phone number

Steps to Change Paypal Phone Number.

There are different mediums of doing financial transactions these days. Gone are those days when people used to go to bank and submitted cash. These days various online mediums are active for making transactions all over the world. PayPal is also such a medium of online transactions that is used to make monetary transactions. As PayPal include financial transactions, the security of its account is extremely important. Therefore, it is recommended that your PayPal account password must be changed from time to time. PayPal change phone number is a necessary step to ensure security of your account.

Steps to change PayPal account password:

  • First of all select any browser of your choice and use it to go to official PayPal account password.
  • After that try to login your PayPal account. To login, it will require your PayPal account’s email Id or user name. Fill it properly.
  • After that insert current password of your PayPal account.
  • Now go to the PayPal account dashboard and here you will see a log out button. Just around it you will be able to see a gear icon.
  • Now, head over to profile setting button and there you will find a security tab. This tab is responsible for ensuring the safety of your PayPal account.
  • From here, you can change your PayPal password.
  • Here, you will see a password edit button. Before editing make it sure that you are required to enter your current password first.
  • So, keep this in mind to insert your current PayPal account password.
  • After that you will be able to edit your password. So, after entering the old password, now it is the right time to enter your new password.
  • After entering your new password confirm that it does not contain any error.
  • Reconfirm your password.
  • Congratulations, you have successfully edited your PayPal account password.

In case, you acquire any difficulty regarding changing your password, don’t worry as you have access to other options as well. In case of any trouble, you can choose to take the assistance of any reliable third-party agency to learn how to change PayPal password.


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